The idea that blogs would succeed in the Christian community ought not be a surprise. When it comes to community, believers should always outstrip those who are not obedient to the Gospel. Believers should always out-community any unbelieving community, whether it be the local Kiwanis or the worshippers at the local football stadium. There’s no biblical directive to blog, but if blogging is community and believers are blogging, we ought to be outdoing any unregenerate blogging effort.

Did you catch that? Excellence – because we are His.

Check out the Blogdom of God, on the TLB communities page. We are the largest blogging community there is. Bar none. We have networked FAR beyond what we would be expected to – and we have more influence than you would expect – and far more readers from outside the Christian community than we will ever know about. I see them come by, like smoke – due to my referral logs, and traffic tracking. I know why they came, and i know why they come back. We have something they want to see. We take what we believe seriously – and we take what we have to say seriously.

Now, with my editorial comments at a close – read the rest of the post I referenced, from Apelles.

(I have them in my “extremely sharp” category for a reason – I reward excellence :D)

Now, if they would only fix their trackbacks…