Archive for the ‘ 1 Peter ’ Category

1 Peter 1:3-5

Welcome back! Or, if you’re just joining me – welcome to 1st Peter. We’re going through 1 Peter, verse by verse.

So, let’s delve in!

1 Peter 1:3-5 – linked, with Strong’s notes.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

All right. First… the first phrase.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ

Pretty straight forward. The word used for “Blessed” is the word Eulogetos, which means blessed, praised – and, incidentally, is the root for the English word “Eulogy”. Man, this reminds of Psalm 103Bless the LORD, O my soul, And all that is within me, bless His holy name. God truly is to be blessed, isn’t He? Amen!

“God” is the word Theos, from which we get the word “theology”, today. “Father” is the word Pater, which is an old root for “father” – and the root for “paternal”, and “paternity”. Pretty straightforward. Peter is continuing his benediction, from our previous study in verses 1 and 2.

who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again

Who? God. So, it’s God’s doing – not ours. “According to” (Kata). So, mercy is in accord with Himself.

Not just His mercy, though – his “great” mercy. Or, Polus. Many, much, large. I’d say that’s an understatement!

The word for “mercy” is Eleos – which implies not only a _feeling_ of mercy, or goodwill – but a _desire_ to help.

The phrase “born again” is actually one word – Anagennao, which gives the picture of a changed mind – which conforms to the will of God.

to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead

I absolutely love this phrase. “Living hope”. We are born again, in accordance with God’s character, through His mercy to – note that there is a purpose for this rebirth – a “living hope”. Isn’t that cool?

The word “living” is used a lot in the New Testament. It is the same word Jesus uses, when speaking to the weeping women, outside His empty tomb, in Luke 24:5. What does He tell them? Why do you seek the living One among the dead? We are alive! We should, then, live as if we were! And, not just “live” – but live in renewal, as we have been born again, to a changed mind, conformed to the will of God. That’s not all, though.

We are to be born again, living, in hope. The word “hope” is Elpis, and means joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation. That gives me hope!

Where is our hope grounded? In the resurrection! For, as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15, everything in the Christian faith is grounded in the resurrection! If not… our faith is worthless. Thus, our hope is completely in Him, and based in His sacrificial death and resurrection.

THIS is our hope – and our faith.

Which brings us to the next part.

to obtain an inheritance

So, what did the resurrection accomplish? It gave us our eternal “inheritance” (or Kleronomia), as the newly appointed “heirs” with Christ.

which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven

Our inheritance is not subject to earthly malaises. Things all have a “shelf life” – even preservative-laden food spoils, eventually. Even “treasures” are lost, eventually. What we have is not subject to earthly entropy – God Himself is safeguarding it, and has promised it. Who can gainsay God? If God reserves it – we’ll get what He has reserved. Guaranteed.

for you who are protected by the power of God

Who? You. What? Protected. That word is Phroureo. It means ” to guard, protect by a military guard”, and ” by watching and guarding to preserve one for the attainment of something”. What did He promise? Our inheritance. What is He doing? Reserving it. How is He doing it? Guarding it – like a military watch, ensuring that we have the inheritance, and that we are safely able to receive it.

That’s our God!

through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

Is there a qualifier? Yes – God guards it through our faith. That is said again, in 2 Tim. 1:12for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.

What is the inheritance? Salvation! Wasn’t that the whole point? The entire Bible leads toward this one theme. Salvation! What else would our inheritance be?

Now, what does that last part mean?

ready to be revealed in the last time.

Hrmm. Well, the word “ready” is Hetoimos – which can mean a bunch of things. Taken in context with the rest, though, it looks like ready prepared – since God has been protecting it, guarding it, and holding it for us. I’d say He has it ready to go for us.

Then, we have “revealed”. This word is Apokalupto (think Revelation) – revealed to us, or uncovered. Which, I’d think, makes sense, since God has had it prepared, but guarded, and protected. It will be 1. Ready, and 2. Revealed.

Next, we have “in the last time”. Those two words are Eschatos (think “Eschatology – or “end times” study. Left Behind, etc.), and Kairos. So, we have “end/last”, or “extreme” as the definition choices for “Eschatos”. Extreme doesn’t fit, so it’s “last” Always go literally, when possible, right? Then, we have “due measure”, or “a measure of time” – with the latter having several sub-possibilities.

Basically, it’s “when the time is right”, or “the time we’ve waited for”, or “the opportune time”. Well, it’s the “last” of times – so… at Judgement, or “when God says so”. We have the faith already, which is the “qualifier” for this inheritance already… so we have faith in Him to protect it “until the time is right”.

How about you?
The Bottom Lines:
We bless God.

God, being God, was merciful, and we were born again, to be like Him.

That rebirth gives us a living hope that is based in Christ’s resurrection

That resurrection gives us an inheritance, which we receive as heirs with Christ

That inheritance is in God’s possession, and safe

We have faith:
That we will have an inheritance
In the author of that inheritance
In His ability to safeguard it
The timing of His decision to give it to us

Only five verses in… and we’re getting some _meat_ – not milk!

I’m really, really liking Peter. How about you?

1 Peter 1:1-2

Welcome to 1st Peter!

I’m picking a book I’m not that familiar with, because I’d like to learn about this book, in addition to verse 3:15.

NASB: 1 Peter 1:1-2 – linked, with Strong’s notes included.

Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who reside as aliens, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, who are chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood: May grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure.

Ready? Let’s begin!

Ok, let’s take the first phrase:

Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ

So, as he opens his letter, he begins with:


He identifies himself by name. “Peter”. The name given to Simon by Jesus – “Petros“, if you don’t mind transliteration – or “petroß”, if you do. But, I’m going to use the Strong’s transliteration (and link to words I transliterate, so you can see the originals).

He identifies himself by authority. “Apostle.” From the word”Apostolos“, which, as Strong’s defines it, is a delegate, messenger, one sent forth with orders. Specifically, applied to Jesus’ 12 “apostles”, as well as the other “authoritative” figures of the early church.

So, he’s told us who he is, and under what authority his words should be taken under. Pretty clear thus far.

Next, he Addresses his letter.

To those who reside as aliens

He gives us his Relation to the recipients.
Now, this is one complete phrase. Strong’s tell us that the word used is Parepidemos – which means one who comes from a foreign country into a city or land to reside there by the side of the natives. It is also used in Hebrews 11:3, in much the same way. So, the recipients are foreigners – on earth! Their home is heaven – with me still?

There’s a song about this, actually. It’s called “Strangers“, by Joel Weldon.

We are strangers in this land
And our home lies far away
When we get there, He’ll take our hand
Say “Welcome home, child. You’re here to stay.”

Hit the link above, to read the rest, or listen to it. It’s a great song.

Next, Peter gives us the Condition of the recipients.

scattered throughout

The word “scattered”, is the word Diaspora – which you may be familiar with. In case you aren’t, it is the word used of the Jewish “dispersion” after Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans for the last time. It is being used here to describe how Christians were scattered among the “natives” (because, remember, they are “strangers” – even though they may actually be “physical” natives. Spiritually, they are now strangers…) of the various areas that are listed directly after.

Next, he gives the Location of the recipients.

This, to me, indicates a specific audience. Basically, all of these places are in a specific “region” – surrounding modern-day Turkey, and Asia Minor.

From there, he moves into Recognition.

who are chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father

Note, we’re still talking about “those” – so, those who are chosen. The word used for “chosen” is Eklektos, the same word Jesus uses in Matthew 22:14, when He says “For many are called, but few are chosen.” The word “foreknowledge” is the word Prognosis, which is the same word used in Acts 2:23, when Peter himself is preaching, and tells the crowd that Jesus’ death was God’s plan all along. Now, let me make a note, here. There are those who say that “predestination” is the rule – and often point to these verses as proof of that. Well, although I agree that God does know everything that was, is, and is to come – I also think that looking at it from only this single angle is a dangerous thing to do. Remember, we are to choose to follow Christ, and pick up our cross, as well. The Spirit leads us, as we are unable to come to Christ in and of ourselves, but the choice to follow our Lord is ours – God’s desire is that “all be saved” – but, the choice to accept that salvation is ours. So, although I agree that there is foreknowledge of our decision, and thus, God accounts for that in His plan; I do not agree that there is no choice on our part. I believe there are two components to salvation. Anyway. Back to the Scripture…

He next identifies the Seal of the Believer.

This seal is the “sanctification” by the Spirit – which Hebrews 12:14 says is required, in order to “see the Lord”. The word used is Hagiasmos, which translates to sanctification of heart and life.

Next, comes theMark of the believer.

to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood

The word “obey”, is upakoe, and means obedience rendered to anyone’s counsels, an obedience shown in observing the requirements of Christianity. The “sprinkled with blood” is the word “Rhantismos” – and refers to the sacrificial ritual of purification, where the blood is sprinkled to render something pure. The sacrifice, of course, is Jesus – so, we are sanctified/purified by the sprinkling of His blood.

Finally, we see Peter’s Benediction for the recipients.

May grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure.

Grace – Charis of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues – I do believe this is the root word for the English “charity”.

Peace – eirene of Christianity, the tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and content with its earthly lot, of whatsoever sort that is.

Fullest Measure – plequnoto be increased, to multiply.
The Bottom Lines:
So, what can we take from this?

Peter has authority, and makes it plain.

He tells his recipients that they are strangers to the world, and citizens of heaven.

We are scattered in the world – how did Jesus tell us to interact with the world? To be Salt, which flavors everything it touches, irrevocably. To be leaven, which permeates the entire dough. So, as we are scattered through this foreign land.. what should our effect be?

We are chosen by God, sealed by the spirit, and purified by the blood of Jesus. That… is an excellent message – especially in the first 2 verses of a letter – in the actual greeting!

We are to be blessed, and to bless others accordingly.

Not bad for your first 2 verses, Peter!

No wonder He called you the Rock!

Study through 1st Peter

This will be the “homepage” for a study through 1 Peter – verse by verse.

If you’d like to follow along, you’re welcome to.

I don’t think I’ll be doing it daily – but keep on the lookout – I’ll be doing it semi-regularly.

Feel free to comment on the individual studies!
1 Peter 1:1-2 – (1/6/05)
1 Peter 1:3-5 – (1/7/05)

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