Oh Joe….

Look who’s the top Evangelical blog…

But, in other news… on the left is updated, on the right is the original.

Links were updated for all in the top 500, and all that Joe annotated in the original. I added a (+ #) to all of the link-annotated blogs.

Yes, Virginia… there is an Evangelical Blog swarm.

15. the evangelical outpost (1287 +122)
16. HughHewitt.com (1284 + 117)
26. La Shawn Barber’s Corner (1043 +24)
29. ScrappleFace (1012 +61)
56. Parableman (770 +54)
57. World Magazine Blog (760 -152)
109. Le Sabot Post-Moderne (543 +25)
118 In the Agora (519 +100)
120. Adrian Warnock’s UK Evangelical Blog (516 +10)
129. Patriot Paradox (497 +69)
138. Wittenberg Gate (492 +98)
205. JOLLYBLOGGER (378 +36)
232. Uncle Sam’s Cabin (345 +122)
242. Blue Goldfish (339 – 22)
240. SmartChristian.com (341 +51)
246. Ogre’s Politics & Views (336)
253. Broken Masterpieces (333 +46)
270. King of Fools (318 +38)
286. Spreading Understanding (304 +38)
302. Blogdom of God (297 +12)
310. Logicus bLogicus (294 +20)
320. Cadmusings (286)
329.Sounding the Trumpet (282 +50)
368. CoffeeSwirls (264 -3)
374. Wallo World (262 +4)
381. Evangelical Underground (260 – 83)
413. Sidesspot (249 -74)
440. A Physicist’s Perspective (239 +4)
285. Vox Popoli (304 +74)
354. 21st Century Reformation (270 +41)
466.TulipGirl (230 -6)
404. Challies Dot Com (251)
421. markdroberts.com (245 +37)
428. Daddy Pundit (243)
488. The Dawn Treader (224)
493. έχω ζωη (222)
617. a ticking time blog
650. Reverend Mike’s House of Homiletic Hash
663. Damascus Road
706. Wesley Blog (175 +56)
729. New Covenant
758. doubletoothpicks: worldviews behind the news (113)
794. Every Thought Captive
806. Crossroads
1356. Joe Missionary
877. notes from the front lines
962. Fallible
1133. Mark Byron (131 +48)
1204. Proverbs Daily
1209. prosthesis
1236. Imperfect but Forgiven
1301. Darn Floor
1308. He Lives
1341. JivinJehoshaphat

1448. Antioch Road
1453. Dr. John Mark Reynolds (106 +63)
1547. The Regulator
1559. Hill Country Views (97 +81)

1581. Now I don’t want to get off on a rant here…
1627. espresso roast (91 +55)
1669. Feeble Knees
1682. It Take A Church…
1867. RazorsKiss.net (78 +64)
1891. Better Living: Thoughts from Mark Daniels
1987. personal trainer (73 +66)
2036. Off the top
2171. Abide in the Word
2202. lawreligionculturereview
2216. TRUTH BE TOLD (63 +55)
2219. The Wardrobe Door
2236. Media Culpa
2328. Dunker Journal
2369. Blogcorner preacher (57 +54)
2393. Sonspot(56 +54)
3021. SteelerDirtFreak :: A 21st Century Missional Redneck Geek
5163. Happy Mills (17 +9)
11555 (?). On An Azure Field of Gratuitous Advice
4583 (?). madminerva.blog-city.com
NR – Mentor Mark Memoirs
NR – secundum Christum
NR – ChristianHillsblog
NR – Grace Notes 4 Teens
NR – Peacful Chaos
NR – C.H.U.R.C.H.
NR – The Greatest Pursuits
NR – Be Bold, Be Gentle
NR – Foundations
NR – For the Joy
NR – Sarcasmagorica
NR – Jeff Blogworthy
NR – A Simple Desultory Dangling Conversation
NR – Run To Win
NR – Marginal Comments
NR – Northern ‘burbs blog
NR – The Grey Shadow

18. HughHewitt.com (1167)
19. the evangelical outpost (1165)
28. La Shawn Barber’s Corner (1019)

32. ScrappleFace (951)
40. World Magazine Blog (912)
64. Parableman (716)
109. Le Sabot Post-Moderne (518)

116. Adrian Warnock’s UK Evangelical Blog (506)
149. Patriot Paradox (428)
157. In the Agora (419)
178. Wittenberg Gate (394)

209. Blue Goldfish (361)
227. Evangelical Underground (343)
253. Sidesspot (323)

296. SmartChristian.com (290)
298. Broken Masterpieces (287)
302. Blogdom of God (285)

314. King of Fools (280)
318. Ogre’s Politics & Views
326. Logicus bLogicus (274)
341. CoffeeSwirls (267)

345. Spreading Understanding (266)
372. Wallo World (258)
428.TulipGirl (237)
438. Cadmusings

439. A Physicist’s Perspective (235)
447.Sounding the Trumpet (232)
452. Vox Popoli (230)
456. 21st Century Reformation (229)

478. Uncle Sam’s Cabin (223)
524. markdroberts.com (208)
545. Challies Dot Com
681. Daddy Pundit
682. The Dawn Treader

923. Reverend Mike’s House of Homiletic Hash
1106. New Covenant
1131. Damascus Road
1239. Every Thought Captive
1277. Wesley Blog (119)

1293. Every Thought Captive
1302. Crossroads
1314. Joe Missionary
1356. doubletoothpicks: worldviews behind the news (113)
1383. notes from the front lines

1430. Antioch Road
1442. Antioch Road
1500. a ticking time blog
1593. Fallible
1597. SteelerDirtFreak :: A 21st Century Missional Redneck Geek

1717. Mark Byron (83)
1730. prosthesis
1758. Imperfect but Forgiven
2166. He Lives
2121. JivinJehoshaphat

2360. Darn Floor
2562. The Regulator
2662. Now I don’t want to get off on a rant here…
2794. Dr. John Mark Reynolds (43)
3156. espresso roast (36)

3643. Feeble Knees
3731. It Take A Church…
4583. madminerva.blog-city.com
4702. Better Living: Thoughts from Mark Daniels
4840. Off the top
5279. Hill Country Views (16)

5516. Abide in the Word
5713. RazorsKiss.net (14)
5752. lawreligionculturereview
7404. TRUTH BE TOLD (8)
7441. Happy Mills (8)

7450. Media Culpa
7727. personal trainer (7)
8634. Dunker Journal
9081. The Wardrobe Door
10921. Blogcorner preacher (3)

10991. Proverbs Daily
11555. On An Azure Field of Gratuitous Advice
12365. Sonspot (2)
NR – Mentor Mark Memoirs
17080. έχω ζωη

NR – secundum Christum
NR – ChristianHillsblog
NR – Grace Notes 4 Teens
NR – Peacful Chaos
NR – C.H.U.R.C.H.
NR – The Greatest Pursuits

NR – Be Bold, Be Gentle
NR – Foundations
NR – For the Joy
NR – Sarcasmagorica
NR – Jeff Blogworthy
NR – A Simple Desultory Dangling Conversation
NR – Run To Win
NR – Marginal Comments
NR – Northern ‘burbs blog
NR – The Grey Shadow