Reminder: I do these every day. If you post something, and would like it included, as part of my “apologetics” portion in every “Daily Cut”, email me. It saves me time, and you get faster service. Thanks!


Wittenberg Gate administers a worldview test to Charles Darwin and Christopher Columbus. What do they score? Go check it out.

Ryan Wetzel gives us Circling on God: Part 3. I highly suggest you read it. Oh, and he has some Firefox plugins, too.

Ales Rarus is discussing purgatory. Be nice.

Update: Weapons of Warfare adds to the discussion above.

Dawn Treader has a question: Can Blogs Be Used Effectively In Apologetics? So… go read, and answer.
Every Thought Captive responds first.

Vox Apologia III is up at Revenge of Mr. Dumpling.

Go read it.