(Weekend Edition)


Wittingshire to the Aggregator. Read their most recent post. It’s a good ‘un. Welcome, Jonathan and Amanda! I hope you enjoy the dialogues!


Don’t Forget! Vox Apologia VI is accepting entries. The subject is “Christian Thought in the Biotech Century.” Phil has further thoughts on it here.

Wittenberg Gate is blogging for Terri Schiavo.

Blog of the Week:

AllThings2All, as penned by Catez. This blog is very insightful – consistently so. With an excellent take on the philosophical, biblical, and spiritual implications of everyday actions, she skewers many of our deeply held (wrongly so) convictions – on a well-nigh daily basis. So.. stop on by, and see what the buzz is about.


I’m still in my series about Francis Schaeffer’s The Great Evangelical Disaster. My latest installment is “The Wisdom of the World.” I have a very good reason for doing this series. It is a clarion call for those with a bent towards “offensive-style” apologetics to wake up. There are plenty who provide the defensive, “marshalled arguments defending Christianity”. What I’m bent towards is an apologetic which directly attacks those worldviews, supposed truths, and antithetical ideologies which stand in opposition to that of the Christian. So – if you’re a like-minded type – watch for a new section in “The Daily Cut” – as well as semi-regular post pointing out various bloggers who are attacking the tenets of Christianity, with a short bit of commentary. Anyway.. back to the Cut.

Me – “Screwtaping the Inscrutable“, and “Equipping vs. Fighting: A Soldier’s Perspective“.

Andrew, from Weapons of Warfare, is on a week’s hiatus. *sniff*

Funky posts “Mirror of Sin, at Ales Rarus. Interesting post.

James White comments on forgiveness – and Stossel. Good post.

Counter Cult takes on the LDS. Very, very, very good treatment of the Mormon worldview. I suggest you read it.

The Minor Prophet posts some thoughts on their library. (which, actually, is pretty cool) I also had an email exchange with Chad last night. He was curious whether me likening them to IP/HH in the last Daily Cut was entirely complimentary or not. It was. It’s just a matter of their style of blogging – they post a lot of short entries, rather than only a couple large ones. It’s just a matter of style.

Other good posts:

The Myth of Secularism, from AcidInk.
(H/T: Amy)


Science and Politics takes a dig at apologetics. I answer the dig here. (Keep in mind – this IS the host of the 3rd Carnival of the Godless.) The post is actually an exceedingly good exhaustive roundup of all the Carnivals in the blogosphere, though.

A Quote:

“As an atheist I sometimes feel like an astronaut on an alien planet, surrounded by creatures with strange customs and beliefs. There the theist is–perfectly human in a biological sense–but psychologically alien. Given that atheists are in a tiny minority, given that theism is normal on this planet, it is atheists who should see themselves as the aliens. Instead of demonizing the theist, the atheist needs to think like a character in a realistic science-fiction novel: the atheist needs to stretch her mind to appreciate the theist’s alien thought-patterns.” – Philip Kuchar, Aliens and Demonization

That parallels my exhortation in this post to learn how the “other side” thinks. Interesting.


The Carnival of the Godless #4 is up at Philosophy, Etc. Engage.

Got something else for me?

Send it. This post will be up, and updated, all weekend. So… send it on.