Yes, it’s Mardi Gras time here. I hate it. I hate the hedonism, I hate the excessive drinking, I hate the immorality, and I hate the general attitude about it.

But, let’s move on.

James White, at Pros Apologian/Alpha and Omega has a couple good ones. A Letter to A Hyper Calvinist, and an explanation of Why No comments?.

James, by the way, is the winner of “Best Overall Evangelical Blog”, as well as the “People’s Choice Award” at Evangelical Underground’s Blog Awards.

Weapons of Warfare is also discussing James.

Wittenberg Gate is talking about Terri Schiavo. I’m glad she reminded us about her.

As you may have noticed, I have a strip across the top right. This is where I got it.

Evangelical Underground has an interview with one of his blogs of the month – Amy’s Humble Musings.

Imago Dei contrasts parental authority over piercings with their authority over abortion.. devastating.

Oh, and they’re also talking about Chess and the Christian.

Every Thought Captive covers outdated ideas… and Bishop Spong. You can imagine.

Bible Archive: The Simple and Glorious Gospel of God. The title says it all. Read.

off shore fisherman discusses pornography. Very wise fisherman. (and, my google hits just went through the roof… won’t they be surprised coming here :D)

Weapons of Warfare – Thou Shalt not Kill?

Ales Rarus covers Hyssop. And stuff.