Archive for April, 2005

On Weakness

Satan loves it when we’re weak. He buffets, torments, and tempts us – precisely when we are least equipped to resist. That is his plan – and we should beware. When circumstances, and their effect on us, render us as weak as a newborn kitten, insofar as vigilance goes – that is when he strikes.
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In my life, I have experienced sorrow. Not the sort of sorrow you experience when someone dies.

The kind of sorrow you experience when you know someone is alive – and you cannot see them, love them, or be with them. The type of sorrow a father experiences when he is separated from his children. I wrote a bit about it on June 21st of last year – and I transferred it to this new blog, when I moved. I got to re-experience a bit of that just this morning.
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5 Questions: The Unstoppable Meme

My response to Mumon’s 5 questions, as posted here.
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Just a short linker

Check this out, from Wittingshire: On Boys and Bikinis. It’s absolutely great.

A Post-Christian Culture

What really never ceases to amaze me, especially after reading Schaeffer’s works, is that Christians still fail to realize that we are no longer living in a Christian nation (if we ever did), and that we no longer have a Christian culture. It is a sub-culture, at best.

Our country, and our culture, are in the grip of subjectivism, humanism, and a rebellion against all convention. We are NOT in the grip of the Holiness and Majesty of the Lord God, Omnipotent. We are in the grip of a worldview which says “live all you can, cause you just live once… you have the right to do whatever you want” – to quote a DC Talk song from a ways back.

What have we become?

Self-indulgent people.

What have we become?

Tell me, where are the righteous ones?

What have we become?

In a world, degenerating…

What have we become?

On to Schaeffer.
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Irony and God

I sometimes wonder. Did God create our overdeveloped sense of irony in order to give us a concrete example of how He works? I know – it’s an odd question. Here’s why I ask it, though.

Often, in life, He answers our prayers at precisely the point we would never have expected it. He works in exactly the manner we wouldn’t have worked. He uses the people we never would have used, to do what we never would have imagined doing. He does it on purpose, I believe.

He has an unknown woman driving tent stakes through foreign army commander’s temples. A coward leading an army selected by their mode of drinking from a stream. A treacherous prophet warned by a donkey, of all things. A strongman slaughtering thousands with the jawbone of a donkey. A boy with a sling, killing a giant, when an entire army sits quaking in their armor. A rebellious prophet swallowed, and vomited up, by a whale. Then, whining about the fact God didn’t kill everyone he was assigned to preach the Word to. Oh, and whining about a stupid plant more than the thousands he was assigned to save. He reduces the mighty king of Babylon to a raving beast. Shows the wisest man in history as the most prone to massive folly.

God knows irony.

Where’s Waldo?

I’ll bet some of you are wondering – what the heck has happened to me?

Well, it’s a long story, actually. Yet, to be honest, it’s one I’ve been scrapping for time to tell you. In fact, I’m transcribing from a notebook that I wrote it in, for transfer to the blog 😀 (Which is how I often write posts. I jot them down in my ever-present notebook, and expand them on the blog.)

So, anyway, as I referred to in my previous post – I met a girl. My pastor’s wife played matchmaker, actually. She was referred to me, because she had a computer problem. Or three. So, I fixed her computer, and she got my email address through that – which ends in… My pastor’s wife saw us talking, and decided we made a cute couple…
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Daily Cut: A Guilty Edition :D

Ok, ok, I haven’t been blogging. At all.

I have a new girlfriend – who will soon become a fiancee. And who I am spending an inordinate amount of time with. At the expense of blogging…

Hey, the hours have to come from somewhere…


letters from babylon has this gem for us:

But one gray-haired lady didn’t buy it. She stuck a finger in his chest and said, “You’re fooling everybody but God and me.”

Go read the rest. I have, and we all have, a sort of double life. Who are we trying to fool? Yes, for a certain someone – this did convict me for that reason. We both know why – and I’m sure you agree.


Blue Goldfish nails 21 Theses to his blog

View from the Pew awards a Clewie for conspicuous misue of a religious term….

A blog I think deserves mentioning: This is not for You – go check it out.

Matt Friedeman’s In the Fight always picks great articles to comment on. Take this one, for example…


Mumon goes off the deep end again. Unsurprisingly.

Ok, I blogged something. And I’m back reading through The Great Evangelical Disaster.

So expect at least a little something from there, soon. I hope.

Oh, and Vox is up.

Move Complete.

Same domain, new server, new database.

And there was much rejoicing.

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